Monday, August 5, 2013

Thing 11



CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RF.K.1a Follow words from left to right, top to bottom, and page by page.

I do not see this tool being used in my Kindergarten classroom but rather as a tool for parents to know how to best help their child throughout the year.  Ideas for future Prezis for parents are:  What to expect in Kindergarten, Development of Reading in Kindergarten, How to Support Your Child in Investigative Math, Why We Don't Teach Spelling, Field Trip Basics, etc.  Parents who are new to elementary school often carry anxiety about many topics.  Using Prezi will help these families have answers at their disposal and provide a quick reference whenever needed.  I look forward to sharing these with my teaching partner and using these together to create simple, easy documents that help parents and not overwhelm them.  In comparison to Power Point, this tool is much more user-friendly and gives you no choice but to be clear and concise with the material you are sharing.  

Connections to Marzano Strategies: nonlinguistic representations, graphic organizers, note taking, and setting goals/objectives

Time Spent:  2 Hours


  1. YES, use these with parents...and also with other staff! You have so much knowledge to share, Mrs. Walter!

  2. Wouldn't it be great to get a group to collaborate and make some of these for use throughout the district? We have GOT to start working smarter, not harder and collaborate more, especially in elementary!
