Monday, August 19, 2013

Thing 12

I decided to not create a quiz since I just created a copyright quiz when I completed another thing.  I created a forum to gather information for an event that I am spearheading with the help of a few other.  The idea is the same, use Google Form to question and gather information and dump responses into one neat and friendly place.  I love using forums with my staff, church and friends to get information quickly.


This rubric will be a great tool for me to use in my Kindergarten classroom to see where children are with their reading development but also to use with parents at parent teacher conferences to show them here their child is and where they will journey to throughout Kindergarten as a reader.  Parents often ask for more visual information to better understand the expectations of child.  Placing rubrics on my classroom website this year is a goal of mine to hep better support parents and their understanding of curriculum expectations throughout the year.  

We use to use Pinnacle but since it is summer I am not able to show the program with students and how it tracks their data.  We are moving to a new system in the fall that is suppose to "talk" better to the system the ISD uses and will be more user friendly for staff and administration to track student data and analyze students as a whole.

Connections to Marzano Strategies: Reinforce Effort and Provide Recognition; Objectives and Feedback

Time Spent:  4 hours

Monday, August 5, 2013

Thing 11



CCSS.ELA-Literacy.RF.K.1a Follow words from left to right, top to bottom, and page by page.

I do not see this tool being used in my Kindergarten classroom but rather as a tool for parents to know how to best help their child throughout the year.  Ideas for future Prezis for parents are:  What to expect in Kindergarten, Development of Reading in Kindergarten, How to Support Your Child in Investigative Math, Why We Don't Teach Spelling, Field Trip Basics, etc.  Parents who are new to elementary school often carry anxiety about many topics.  Using Prezi will help these families have answers at their disposal and provide a quick reference whenever needed.  I look forward to sharing these with my teaching partner and using these together to create simple, easy documents that help parents and not overwhelm them.  In comparison to Power Point, this tool is much more user-friendly and gives you no choice but to be clear and concise with the material you are sharing.  

Connections to Marzano Strategies: nonlinguistic representations, graphic organizers, note taking, and setting goals/objectives

Time Spent:  2 Hours

Thing 10


Making our thinking visible!  A goal in my classroom is to help students make their thinking visible.  We use white boards, think pads, scrap paper, and hopefully this year incorporating the iPads and SmartBoard.  


I see this tool being used during Writers Workshop, students could take a photo and edit it and use some of the unique features to emphasize an object, person or concept and use the edited photo with their published piece of writing.  Having kindergartners, I imagine this tool being accessed/guided with a classroom volunteer for time management purposes.   

Connections to Marzano Strategies: Nonlinguistic Representations; Identifying Similarities and Differences

Time Spent: 2 hours